

Whether you're near or far, Rodeo® Cowhide ships worldwide. After we receive your order, it takes  2-3 business days to process. Busy season and holiday season will take longer ( 3-7 business days) 

  • Shipping to continental U.S we use UPS, USPS priority service. Free shipping is offered within the continental U.S. and APO.
  • International orders take 12 to 20 business days to arrive, we use USPS international priority mail service. 


30-Day Money Back Guarantee

We strive to provide excellent customer service. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, contact us for an exchange, partial refund, or return - no reason needed, no questions asked. That's how proud we are of our products and quality. 

  • Returns will be accepted up to 30 days from the valid tracking shows delivered. The item must be returned to us in the same condition as when shipped.
  • After 30 Days return will not be accepted

To start a return or exchange, click here

Customers now have the option to pay $1.98 at the time of purchase to later qualify for free unlimited returns on that order

If you did not purchase Re:do you can still use our return portal below and purchase a return label at cost. No return fee is deducted from your refund total!

Package Protection:Customers now have the option to pay a nominal fee at the time of purchase to protect their purchase against instances of lost, damaged, or stolen items that are not related to defects caused at our warehouse

All package claims can be handled in our claims portal here

Contact us at with any questions, comments or concerns about your order. 

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